These are my recommended books and other products. I am a member of the Amazon Affiliates program, which means that if you purchase using the following links, I receive a small commission. You are not required to buy my recommended products through these links, and many of them can be found at local stores, but it does help me out if you do!


By Shin'ichi Suzuki

This is Shin'ichi Suzuki's story of how he came to his beliefs regarding teaching, and what those beliefs are. It is required reading for every parent in my studio, and is inspiring to read and re-read.

By Edmund Sprunger

This book is wonderful for all Suzuki parents, both new and experienced. It has a lot of info on how to help your kids in their musical journey, from general big picture ideas to specific things that can help with the day-to-day. It is a wonderful resource for dealing with all the difficulties of practicing, and every time I read part of it I feel more inspired to keep going!

By William Starr, Constance Starr

Another book on how to help your child the best you can! Written by Suzuki parents, it is a great resource for every parent.

By Angela Duckworth

This wonderful book is all about psychologist Angela Duckworth's research into what makes people successful, and her findings about what she calls "grit," the unifying trait of successful people. Her stated purpose for all this research is to help teach people to have fulfilling lives, and in line with that she also includes sections about how to instill passion and perseverance in ourselves and our children.

Sheet Music

This is the music book that I use, and is primarily used by the parent early on, as the child does not read music initially. The parent can take notes in it, and use it to remember standard bowings and fingerings.


Following are various exercise and technique books that I use in my lessons.

By Rick Mooney
By Rick Mooney
By Rick Mooney
By Rick Mooney

U.S. Band & Orchestra Supplies Inc.

This endpin anchor is used to hold your cello on slick surfaces such as tile, or other floors you don't want to mar with a sharp endpin. It's primary use early on is to have a set length for the endpin, so placement is not guesswork.


Cello stool! This particular stool is not required, but it does work well. It is much cheaper at Ikea vs the Amazon link at left. You need to measure your child for a correct size, and cut the legs down to the right size.